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دون أسيد إتش

محلول حمضي لتحضير الأسطح

Don Acid Etch is a clear liquid solution incorporating acid based materials and corrosion inhibitors.

  • ingle component.
  • Ready to use.

Don Acid Etch is a surface preparation solution for use on concrete floors prior to sealing, epoxy coating or painting. It removes excess laitance from concrete floors and walls which will undermine coating adhesion. Don Acid Etch is also used for the removal of hardened concrete from tools and equipments.


Approximately 2 - 3 m²/litre/coat.


Don Acid Etch is available in 1, 5 and 20 litre containers.


Don Acid Etch has a shelf life of 12 months from date of manufacture if stored in dry conditions at 25⁰C in original unopened packs.