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VBHC Vaibhava Kengeri Waterproofing solution by DCP

waterproofing sustainable solutions construction industry India
Project Info
Value & Budget Housing Corporation Pvt. Ltd. - VBHS
Value & Budget Housing Corporation Pvt. Ltd. - VBHS
Value & Budget Housing Corporation Pvt. Ltd. - VBHS
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Task at Hand

Value and Budget HousingCorporation Pvt. Ltd. (VBHC) is a professionally managed real estate company. VBHC's objective is to provide housing that meets high quality construction standards, and ensures speedy completion and delivery at low cost. These objectives are best met through the application of contemporary building technology, computer aided design methods, a lean manufacturing process and the adoption of ingenious industrial engineering processes. VBHC has been able to transform real estatedevelopment into a lean industrial processwith the use of 'form' technology for construction. This project has 5 blocks, each block has an open area for parking at ground level and 4 floors of apartments and the client was looking for high performance single component chemical waterproofing product for their tower terrace RC slab.

DCP Solution

We had proposed our Aquathane PPS00 through the product presentation to their VP and in turn it was submitted to their in house structural team for vetting and approved for use in the project.