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Royal Galaxy Co-Operative Housing Society - exterior painting work

painting and coating solutions building finishing products India
Project Info
Royal Galaxy Co-Operative Housing Society
Rohan Ventures
S M Shinde (HUF)
Project location/County:
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Building Finishing Products
Protective Coatings

Task at Hand

Housing Colony was looking for good painting and coating solutions for their residential colony as a part of their maintenance activity. M/s Rohan Ventures, a consultant, was interested in product with some added advantage of a good superior matt finish.

The DCP sales team explained to him and the HousingColony team the advantage of using our product with its added properties of anti-carbonation and breathability, as this was of prime importance as the structurewas very close to the sea. The coat­ ing had to be durable with good external waterproofing finish. Repcoat FFcoating was the only correct choice.

The clientshowed a lot of satisfaction with the approach of the contractor and DCP decided to use Repcoat FF, an anti-carbonation coating solution. The contractor was shown the colour shades card and decided to go for a tailor-made colour scheme. The product was found to be a more cost effective solution with added advantages in terms of anti-carbonation, antibacterial, antifungal and waterproof characteristics.

The consultant and contractor found Repcoat FF tobe a more techno-commercially viable option with superior advantages in comparison with any other exterior painUcoating solution available in the market.

DCP Solution

In order to address the cracks, the team opened the cracks to form groovesand filled them with DCPs paintablePU sealant, Flexseal PU440. The entire area was then painted using DCPs decorative, anti-carbonation, breathable system of Repcoat FF.

Repcoat FF is a high definition anti-carbonation 100% acrylic waterproof exterior decorative coating. It was applied with one coat of primer and 2 coats with dry film thickness of 150 - 200 microns.