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About DCP

Don Construction Products are construction materials manufacturers who have extensive experience in developing, manufacturing, and marketing construction materials for civil engineering and the construction industry across the globe.

Innovation is one of the cornerstones the company was founded on and, since we first started developing cement waterproofing materials and chemical construction products in 1927, we have gone on to research, develop, and manufacture hundreds of innovative construction products.

Today, Don Construction Products (more widely known as DCP), with almost 100 years of global experience in the construction materials manufacturing industry, has operations in North America, Europe, Africa, the Middle East, and Asia. We have 15 manufacturing locations and a distribution network in over 35 countries.

DCP Group Headquarters and Business Units operate from Haverhill in Suffolk, UK.

Full Range of Construction Products

Over the years DCP has acquired other well-known construction products like GRAB Resins, Ayla Construction Chemicals, Everlac, and Sports Coatings Ltd. We are very proud to have built a solid construction materials group with an extensive range of products. DCP construction products cater to our 4 core business units:

  • Concrete & Cement Technology
  • Underground Construction Technology
  • Construction Projects Materials Technology
  • Building Finishing Products

Health, Safety, and the Environment

DCP takes the health and safety of its staff, its customers, and the planet we live on, very seriously. We are committed to ensuring our products are manufactured and used safely, that they cause no harm to anyone’s health, and that they are environmentally friendly, as well as technologically sound.

DCP commits to:

اتخاذ الإجراءات اللازمة وكل ما هو ممكن عمليا لمنع وقوع الحوادث والإصابات والأمراض الصحية الناتجة عن العمل.
التوافق مع التشريعات السارية وغيرها من المتطلبات.
وفي حال عدم وجود قواعد ناظمة يتم وضع المعايير الصارمة والالتزام بها اعتمادا على أفضل الممارسات المعتمدة لدى شركة DCP.
إشراك وتشجيع جميع العاملين بفاعلية في تحقيق أهداف وإنجازات شركة DCP.
تعيين أشخاص أكفاء للمساعدة في تلبية الواجبات القانونية بما في ذلك الأداء الخارجي لمتطلبات الصحة والسلامة.

Quality Assurance

As pioneers in the construction materials manufacturing industry we are not only dedicated to developing innovative products, but also to producing construction materials of the highest quality.

These are some of the systems we have in place to ensure we are able to offer quality assurance on all our construction products.

مختبرات بحث وتطوير متكاملة تغطي مختلف الظروف المناخية وشروط التطبيق.
أنشطة مستمرة في البحث والتطوير لضمان مكانة رائدة في السوق المحلي والعالمي ومجموعة كاملة من المنتجات.
التزام قوي ومستمر لتقديم منتجات جديدة ومبتكرة في السوق.
ضبط المنتجات لتتناسب مع ظروف البيئة المحلية مع المحافظة على الأداء الصحيح والأمثل للمنتج.
التقييم المستمر لأداء المنتجات.
التطوير المستمر للمنتجات وفقاً لدراسات مختبر البحث و التطوير وباستخدام مواد أولية جديدة.

Commitment to the Environment

DCP has always been committed to producing construction materials in a way that does not impact on the environment. We are able to operate production facilities close to residential areas because of our low CO₂ foot print and low dust emissions. 

Our commitment to the environment is unreserved because we understand that residential areas are our homes and backyards. It is this commitment that enables DCP to meet the stringent environmental regulations that exist in residential areas and ensure that our companies and our products do no harm.

DCP's Core Values

Don Construction Products has grown phenomenally over the last century. We have researched and developed hundreds of innovative construction products, added well-known construction material brands to our stable of products, and become a major player in the global construction materials industry.


DCP is renowned for its innovation and problem solving. Our state-of-the-art manufacturing facilities, coupled with a comprehensive Quality Assurance system, ensure consistently high standards of product performance.


Benefit from our expertise and contact us to find out more about our full range of quality DCP construction products.

النزاهة في كل جانب من جوانب أعمالنا
نحن نسعى إلى ثقة موظفينا، وعملائنا، وجميع المهنيين الذين نعمل معهم.
الابتكار والإبداع
نحن نبحث دائما عن طرق جديدة للتحسن وخلق القيم.
خدمة تفوق التوقعات
نحن نتعلم من عملائنا ونفهم احتياجاتهم لتقديم خدمة تفوق توقعاتهم.
العمل بروح الفريق الواحد
نحن نستمع ونتعلم من بعضنا البعض، ونعمل معاً لتحقيق أفضل النتائج.
نحن نتعامل مع بعضنا البعض بإنصاف واحترام.
حماية البيئة
نحن نحترم البيئة عن طريق الحد من وإعادة تدوير واستخدام النفايات لدينا أينما وكلما أمكن ونتجنب استخدام أي مواد ضارة.
مكافحة العبودية والاتجار بالبشر
تلتزم الشركة بضمان خلو جميع نشاطاتها من العبودية والاتجار بالبشر. فقواعد السلوك لسلسة التوريد المتبعة لدينا تتضمن التزام موريدينا والمقاولين الفرعيين بقيمنا بمنع العبودية والاتجار بالبشر.

DCP Timeline

Company set up as Akis Chemicals Company Ltd., in Doncaster, UK.
Company merged with Francois Chemicals Ltd.
Management bought out and company rebranded as Don Construction Chemicals.
F. Ball and Co. Ltd., UK’s leading manufacturer of flooring adhesives and floor preparation materials, acquired Don Construction Chemicals and renamed the company as Don Construction Products (DCP).
G.R.A.B. Resins of the UK, a 1995 F. Ball and Co. Ltd. acquisition, is integrated into DCP.
DCP signed a license agreement with Ayla Construction Chemicals for the Middle East.
DCP acquired Ayla Construction Chemicals in the Middle East.
DCP acquired Everlac and Sports Coatings, a leading UK sports flooring company.
DCP expanded into North America and set up operations in South Carolina.
DCP started e-commerce by joining Amazon USA.
DCP expanded into Africa and set up operations in Ivory Coast.